
Medical evaluation

So I've been really bad about updating recently...and instead of talking about open week that happened 2 weeks ago...I'm going to talk about my medical "exam" today. So to stay here in Thailand legally I had to go to the doctor and get tested for 7 diseases: (List translated by Aom at the Dr.'s office...she didn't know what all of the diseases were but I like her explanations)

  1. Mental illness/craziness
  2. Skin disease (I think they ment leprosy)
  3. Coughing disease (yeah this could be anything)
  4. Big foot disease (I think this is supposed to be elephantiasis)
  5. Drug addiction
  6. Alcoholism
  7. Stage 3 Syphilis
So this means I underwent a battery of psychological and physical exams right? Wrong I was at the doctors office for a grand total of 55 minutes. The only test they really did was draw blood and test for syphilis...to test for everything else they put me in a room with a doctor for 2 minutes where he listened to my heart and asked "where are you from, where do you work, and how long have you been in Thailand?". I'm assuming that was the addiction/craziness test...but who knows.

While the test was sub-par to say the least I am pretty confident that I'm not a crazy drug addict coughing big foot leper but I could be wrong. My big toe has been looking a little bigger than normal recently...hmmmm.


Anonymous said...

that big toe thing might be a side affect of that cockroach killing house cleaner you are useing. I'm just saying....

Anonymous said...

Skin disease (I think they ment leprosy)



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