
Midterm Spelling Fiasco

Well I am finally done with midterm's thank god! I've given all my students their grades and let a few of them turn in late assignments or do make up assignments. We'll see how many stop by my office on Friday to withdrawal. My favorite part of midterms besides spending COUNTLESS hours grading Reading/Writing (like 10 times more than any other class) was seeing how the students spelled...or misspelled my name.

The most common spelling was Rebacca which was almost right, 13 students decided my name needs more A's. The next most common was either Backy or Bakky...10 students came up with these variations. These spellings were understandable....but some of the others were just bad! Here's the list that my students created...

Ones that were close but not quite right:

  • Rebaca/Rebaka (similar to backy)
  • Rebaccka (They like A's and i need a K in there too)
  • Rebeka
  • Rececca

Ones who must think I have a big nose or something:

  • Beacky
  • Rebecka
  • Rebeaka

These students think I need an extra R in my name:
  • Bearky
  • Barka (Do I bark like a dog? Maybe...)
  • Rebracca
  • Rebraka
  • Rebrakca
  • Rebrekka

And spellings that were just wrong:
  • Rebecgar (This student thought I need an extra R and a G just for fun)
  • Repica
  • Reebaga (Now I'm a bag lady!)
  • Repacca (Is this a new type of Alpacca?)
  • Ribacca
  • Becky Apply
  • Bekk

and my favorites
  • Aebecca (The A's strike again! This time they killed the R instead of the second E!)
  • Pecky
So it looks like Becky and Rebecca was too difficult for the students to spell....hmmm. Some of my students got the spelling perfect and even through my middle name in there too. Oh well i expected all 200 to butcher my name I was just surprised at how badly the butchered it. Now to wait and see what they come up for finals!


Jake Mosher said...

Hey we use the same blog site lol

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