
New Years Party!

Last night I went to the faculty New Years party which was a blast! Everyone was there and we all had hot pot which is this cool grill/bowl thing where you can grill food and make a soup at the same time. Hot pot is a blast because everyone can make whatever they want and you just eat food as it finishes cooking. I had a bunch of squid, shrimp, and some chicken with noodles. The kids had a blast having me try new foods since I can't say no to kids. Aear (pronounces ew-a) and Umporn (pronounced um-pon) were really happy that I liked this weird looking green jelly thing, it was green cubes that you put ice and syrup on before you eat it. They also thought it was funny that I broke the icecream scoop while getting them icecream...I swear the icecream broke the scoop the stuff was rock hard!

After P-Noy took the kids home I stuck around and moved over to the Vice President and LCB Deans table. That was a mistake! The Dean and VP broke out the bottles of thier awesome Australian wine which I had to have...and when that was gone they went and got a special bottle of french wine for me (since I don't like beer and can't stand Singha). So basically they got me drunk again...but not as drunk as last time! My keys went on thier table and not in the rice cooker! Before I left I got a couple PSU glasses and some canned fish.

Oh P-Noy also gave me a refidgerator on Tuesday so I have real food now!


Anonymous said...

Well, I still have time to officially say this from my end, so Merry Christmas.

I hope it's treating you well over there.

Anonymous said...

Was using Alisa's computer and noticed your blog on her favorites. I just read all the blogs. Looks like your having fun and experiencing a wonderful people and country. It seems that you have developed quite a love for wine. Glad you got a fridge. Merry Xmas and happy new year. The kids missed you and did not stop talking about you when they put the reindeer food out this year. Have fun and I will check in soon. Chris

Becki said...

Hey Chris! I'm glad you enjoyed my blog. I miss you guys and missed putting out reindeer food with the kids. I hope everyone is doing well in VA. Miss you all! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

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