The first play was called 'the accident' and it was all about finding a boyfriend. I learned from the play that the best way to find a boyfriend is to yank paper out of the printer and as you fly across the room you'll be caught by your true love. One of the 2 girls stays late and winds up meeting her boyfriend this way. Her friend started to get jealous because now she was being ignored for the new boyfriend. After a while the second girl decides to try the printer tactic...of course she wound up finding her own boyfriend (it's Thailand! Everyone finds their true love this way :P ).
What happens when no one catches you
(the first time...he showed up the second time)
(the first time...he showed up the second time)
The second play was called 'A Perfectionist' and it was about a girl who insisted on having the perfect life and she wouldn't listen to other people. The poor girl got married to a gay guy...everyone else knew he was gay but she wouldn't listen since he came from a good family. At the end he finally tells her he's gay and that he only married her because he hates arrogant people like her. After the blow up her ex-school rival shows up and gives her a pep talk which leads to her wanting to work on being a better person.
You'll be alright
The final play was called 'True Love' which was about a girl finding her true love. The play started with a boy and a girl riding their bikes and eventually running into each other. They wind up falling in love and he proposes. The girl turns him down because she's dying from cancer and only has 6 months to live...bum bum bum! But of course he says he doesn't care and he stays with her through the 6 months. She dies...and then suddenly he's gone and she falls off the couch because it was only a dream! Then she realizes that she has homework and classes to do!!!
Then this past Saturday I worked at an English Camp for tons of insane 10 year-olds. I thought I was going to go crazy! The kids didn't know a whole lot of English and they were really high strung. We wound up playing a lot of games that had nothing to do with the topic (Saying Hello and Goodbye). The kids enjoyed the 'Hokey-Pokey' and 'If you're happy and you know it'.
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