
The Evil Dastardly Rain! A Trip to the Market and Some Photos.

So today I have discovered yet again that I have terrible luck when it comes to driving my motorbike and rain. Note to self: Don't ride when it's cloudy and/or sprinkling. The second you do, and either get most of the way to your destination or set your mind on going somewhere, the sky is going to open and completely drench you!

Yes it was sprinkling when I left for the market (which is 10 minutes away) I figured the downpour was over but I was very mistaken. I barely got halfway off campus before the sky open up and drenched me :(

At the market the sweet woman who makes my weekly chai yen (iced milk tea...super sweet and delicious) laughed when she saw me and then pantomimed umbrella. Then I tried to explain with words and motions that I can't ride my motorbike with an umbrella, like a Thai person, because it's a 'motorcy' and I need 2 hands. She seemed to understand...I think.

Even being soaking wet I still enjoy walking around the market and buying my fresh veggies for the week. I love that I can buy a ton of stuff (tomatoes, onions, broccoli, dish soap, a bushel of fruit, a super sweet dessert, and dinner) for right around $6.

Today I did learn though that for my dinner I should always wait for the Muslim girl who normally sells me my yellow rice with chicken. She always gives me fresh hot rice (usually with some extra thrown in for free) and will hand pick a piece of chicken for me. Unlike the other girl who just gives me one of the boxes that been sitting out on display.

And now for some pictures!

The view this morning from my living room

Construction on campus...
this will eventually be a recreation center

The bag of sweet 'hair' I had for dessert

You put it on little green pancake things and then...

Roll it up like a taco!
Note: I have no idea what this snack is called in Thai

Rambutan one of my favorite Thai fruits


Adventures in Surat

So last week was midterms which ment my job consisted of sitting in a room watching the students take their tests while trying not to fall asleep. During the week a dog tried to chase me down on my bike and I experienced an Arctic adventure while watching Harry Potter at the theater.

On Sunday, night on my way home from a friends house a dog decided that he wanted to try taking my leg off as I speed down a street. Clearly driving on the other side of the road was an invasion of his territory. Hearing the dog suddenly start barking at me startled me and I quickly lost my attacker by hitting the gas. This is the second time a dog has decided it want to try to follow or attack me in Thailand...last time I had food on me and the dog just wanted to follow me. I am definitely not a fan of the street dogs here and I doubt that will ever change.

On Monday, I went back into town to go see Harry Potter since the theater had it in English. I remembered all the warning I had been given about Coliseum being an icebox so I brought a hoodie with me. Well icebox is an understatement it was like going to the arctic! Even with the hoodie I was freezing! I don't know why the Thai people are so obssesed with cranking the AC up so every room is like walking into a snowdrift while outside it's boiling hot. The movie was good and next time I'll make sure to bring a warmer hoodie :)